The process of journaling allows you to define and get some distance from your emotions. One way you can confront and work through these feelings is through journaling.Especially if you want people to be understanding of you, it’s important that you understand your own motivations and feelings first.You may be experiencing a lot of self-criticism. Some negative feelings that may come up are fear of others finding out, or feelings of guilt or shame.
Ask yourself how wearing a diaper contributes to your self-perception and identity. X Research source Instead of worrying what people may think if they find out, learn to be comfortable with yourself and your feelings first. It may be easier to disregard or ignore these emotions, but move closer to them. If you are overcome with guilt, shame, and fear about wearing a diaper, look at these feelings, too. Accept the positive feelings you have about wearing diapers and being a diaper lover, such as pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction. You may feel strange or ashamed about wearing a diaper and feel unclear where this feeling originates.