With this log you will be able to print off as many sheets as required to track this workout. This is needed for increasing muscle mass which will help with your basal metabolic rate (BMR).Īll routines benefit from changing the sets, weight and reps week to week.
or PDF, as appropriate to best support mission accomplishment. Carbohydrates and protein during and after a workout for muscle recovery. will be based around the three Machine Guns found in an. The bottom line is to make sure to get 6 small meals during the day all having protein, veggies and fruit. Please see the nutrition section to learn about protein, carbohydrates and fats. I am just experimenting with this and using my very basic knowledge to build a workout based around the needs of my schedule, my body and my equipment at home.Ī planned nutritional meal plan is one of the most important aspects of any body composition change.